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She's Sick |
Friday, February 15, 2008 |
Men, I was so scared this morning when I woke up. Dear daughter was crying and screaming. She puked in her bed. Well, dear hubby was sick a couple of days ago and finally got the same bug for the first time. She normally a tough girl and didn't get sick but this time was different. She finally got it...Boy, oh boy...I was scared to death because she's been throwing up every 10 minutes or so. She's so tired and weak so I kept giving her some liquids. I also gave her Colostrum and luckily her stomach went back to normal. She finally took a nap at around 5:30 in the afternoon.
Thank goodness she's a little bit better now. She stopped puking and doesn't complain about her tummy. Hopefully dear son won't get it or else it would be a total disaster! |
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