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Engineering Co-op Programs |
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 |
When I was in college, I really wanted to take up engineering but I wasn't as smart as other students...LOL...So I took Commerce, major in Management instead. I loved it! The subjects weren't as hard as I thought! Anyway, speaking of Engineering, I found Kettering University website awhile ago. They offer engineering co-op programs from Kettering University. Kettering's class leading Co-op programs, a unique programs wherein they place students in companies in their freshman year and rotate them between school and their co-op job alternating every 3 months to gain practical experience from the beginning of their Kettering education. This program gives each engineering students the opportunity to gain practical work experience while they are still in school. Not only that, it is said that US News and World Report has ranked Kettering University as the #1 University in the nation for Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering" in its annual "America's Best Colleges Guide for 2008. The site has a great source of information about scholarships and financial aid, and many more. Don't forget to check our their site for more information about the co-op programs and services. |
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
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