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Nita’s Random Thoughts is holding a contest. There’s a lot of prizes you can win in this contest, total 10 cash prizes, banner ads, text links, EC credits, and consolation prizes, so you have a very big chance to win. Click here to join the fun!
Fresh Look Of The Year |
Thursday, April 24, 2008 |
Looking for a fresh new you? Then, you should check out this site I found a while ago while browsing online. The http://www.lookoftheyear.com is the latest way to get recognized and a chance to win $10.000 USD price or get spotted by an agency for model career. The Look Of The Year are looking for people from all over the world to send in their best pictures so use this chance to be the next model working in Paris, New York or Milan. What are you waiting for? Visit the site now and join Look of the Year today and start your new life together with beautiful people from all over the world. Good luck!

Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
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