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Manic Monday |
Monday, May 5, 2008 |
Well, this is my very first entry for Manic Monday. I just found the site two days ago and thought it was pretty cool.
What name would you want have if you were the opposite sex?
* Well, I'm happy of being me. I love being a woman...LOL. But if I were the opposite sex, I would choose "Louise John". That's my favorite name.
Would you share the tooth brush of your spouse/significant other? Why or why not?
* Yep! I love my dear hubby so much. We shared towels, soaps, and even toothbrush when we're traveling. LOL. I know most couple don't share these stuff but I loved it.
What is a song that you love to hate?
* Hmmm the song from "Aerosmith" entitled Love In The Elevator. Heck, I don't like to listen to that song...it gives me a goosebumps!
Join Manic Monday!
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
Oh no, now that song is stuck in my head! LOL
Thanks for playing Manic Monday and I hope you have a great week.
I love Aerosmith, but I never liked that song.
Thanks for stopping by my Manic Monday.
I love Aerosmith...and Now that song is stuck in my head LOL. Happy Monday!
My second name is Louise ... I'm not a fan of it :( Ha!
Mine's up too :)
"Louise" for a guy? Or you meant "Louis"?
Here is my post. Hope you had a great Manic Monday!
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