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Friday Fun |
Friday, July 25, 2008 |
1. What browser do you use and why do you like it?
* I'm using Mozilla, Ace Explorer and Internet Explorer 7
2. Some people let it all hang out on their blog, while others keep it light, and still others fall somewhere in between. Where does your blog fall in that?
* I want to keep them as simple as possible. I don't like daming abubot....
3. A lot of people have themed blog like a deployment blog or a crafty blog or one just for memes (like Friday Fun!). What about yours? Do you maintain more than one blog?
* Let me think...I have a personal blog, crafty blog, travel blog, community blog, and an entertainment blog. Dami no?
4. I like to play online games, like the ones found at Yahoo Games. Do you play any like that? Share some links!
* I love playing Text Twist and Pacman once in a while.
5. There are forums to chat on about just about everything under the sun. Do you belong to any and what are your favorites? Links, please!
* Yes, I do. I love ILP, Rakscraps, Families and a lot more...
6. Shopping time! What are your 5 favorite sites to shop at and what would you recommend I check out?!
* Ebay, Circuit City, Amazon, The Body Shop, QVC |
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
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