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Dragon Naturally Speaking |
Friday, September 26, 2008 |
Like most bloggers, I'm also looking for ways to improve the usability of my blog. Improving your blogging usability is one of the most important factors of how successful and popular your blog is. I've seen a video about the Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Standard which is helpful in improving your blog. With Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard, you can talk to your computer and watch your spoken words instantly appear in documents, e-mail and instant messages. Not only that, you can also surf the web just by speaking. While Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Preferred is intended for small businesses owners and advanced PC users the power to create documents, reports and e-mails three times faster than most people type with up to 99% accuracy. You can surf the web by voice or dictate and edit in Microsoft Word and Excel, Corel WordPerfect, and most other Windows-based applications. Everything is possible with the help of latest technology nowadays. The purpose of these videos will give you plenty of ideas for making some improvements to your blog. What a pretty cool idea, isn't it? Still not convince? Well, better go and check out this NY Times Review of DNS10 video for you to see where David Pogue tests out NaturallySpeaking 10, a software program that does the typing for you!

Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
Your article seems to have some words included by error. It states, "looking for ways on how to improve the usability of my blog. " and probably should state, "looking for ways to improve the usability of my blog. "
Fixing that would probably help your attention grabbing sentences make a bigger impact on your readers.
I think it works...for people who like to talk. If I can speak in the public and attract people's attention, perhaps I won't chose internet business.
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