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3x Thursday: When I Grow Up |
Thursday, November 20, 2008 |
3x Thursday: 11/20/y2k+8: When I Grow Up
1. What did you want to be when you were a kid? * When I was a kid, I always dream of becoming a businesswoman.
2. What did you grow up to be? Are you happy with that choice? * I'm a business-minded person. I took up Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Management as I love to manage a business. I am very happy with my choice because I love what I do.
3. If you could choose any job for the next 30 years, what would it be? Why? * Well, I might not be able to do much as I'm too old by then LOL...Probably a managerial job. Why? Because that's what I've been dreaming since I was a kid.Labels: 3x Thursday |
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
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