To make extra money, consider signing up for an affiliate account with or with Then make the words and links using your affiliate link. When people click those links, if they sign up for a web hosting account you will get paid.
How To Make Money With WordPress There are many people who wish they could have a little extra income. So I am going to tell you how you can use WordPress and PHPurchase, an e-commerce plugin for Wordpress, to build your own online store. WordPress is a free web application that you can install on a web hosting account and it lets non-programmers manage their own website. You can run your own blog, add/edit pages of your own website, and now you can even run your own e-commerce store.
There are web hosts like or where you can install WordPress with just a couple clicks from the control panel of your hosting account. If you happen to have a web hosting account that does not offer WordPress, you can very easily download WordPress for free and install it on your own. Simply upload the WordPress folder that you can download from, enter in a couple configuration settings, and you can be up and running in about 5 minutes. Once you have the initial installation of WordPress running you may want to customize the look of your website by downloading a theme. WordPress themes let you change the entire look of your website very easily. There are tons of free themes available. There are also "premium" themes that generally cost around $50 - $100. Or you could hire a WordPress development company to develop the site for you. Then, once the site is developed, you can manage the entire site on your own.
By default, WordPress does not have any functionality for e-commerce so you will want to get the WordPress shopping cart plugin, PHPurchase. PHPurchase let's you sell digital products like music files, or other types of digital documents as well as physical products that you would ship to your customers. You can also sell services. For example, if you wanted to offer freelance writing services, logo design, or basically anything, you can easily set that up with PHPurchase. PHPurchase will work with PayPal or you can set it up to take credit cards directly on your own website. PHPurchase is very secure and doesn't store credit card information so you don't need to worry about hackers or anything.
There are several other e-commerce plugins out there for WordPress, but PHPurchase is probably the easiest to set up and even comes with some videos showing you how to set up all the aspects of your online store like shipping prices, promotions, etc. If you run into any trouble, PHPurchase is supported by PHPoet a web development company specializing in WordPress. They offere video tutorials, help articles and even live chat support. So you can quickly get answers to your questions if you run into any trouble. So if you are looking for a way to make some extra income or if you want to start your own home based business, WordPress and PHPurchase are certainly worth looking at. Labels: Blogging |