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Sleep Comfortably With Wedge |
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 |
My dear hubby's heartburn has been acting up lately and thanks to sleep wedge that lets him sleep comfortably either on his side or back with or without his favorite bed pillow. He's been using it for 3 years now and so far so good. If you are one of those acid reflux sufferers, then you should try sleep wedge. This is specifically designed just for acid reflux sufferers. |
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
Hi Nita,
As I was looking around your blog recently, I noticed you frequently feature products and services in your posts (like the sleep wedge in this post). May I suggest taking a look at OurHubbub MemoryBooks by Jostens, the company known and trusted for yearbooks, class rings and other memorabilia. These high-quality MemoryBooks are perfect for a self-proclaimed digital scrapbook addict! With an easy to use interface and professionally designed templates that speed-up the book-making process, OurHubbub is great for moms like you!
One of the things that make OurHubbub stand out is its power to tell an authentic story. And what better story to tell than the one of your family! Once signed up at OurHubbub.com, the power of these MemoryBooks come alive. After uploading your photos, you can invite friends and family to build the book along with you. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins; anyone who has pictures and a story to tell can add their own creative juices to the book. And when all of you are done building the book, each copy can be further customized to suite each individual’s taste.
OurHubbub MemoryBooks by Jostens; bringing families together to tell their story.
Please let me know if you are interested in giving it a test run and I would be happy to provide a promotional code for you.
Thanks, Justin
Please e-mail me at jtheodotou@labrechereputations.com
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