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TT: Socks with colored houses, princesses and pictures |
Thursday, October 9, 2008 |
1. How long do you keep unmatched socks before you get rid of them... and how do you dispose of these socks?
* I never wear unmatched socks. But I do have some socks with holes but I keep them for a while until I no longer can wear them...LOL!
2. If you could paint your house ANY color you wanted and your friends, family & neighbors would love the color from the moment they saw it, what would it be?
* It would be "light yellow green". I just love it. And it makes the place looks brighter.
3. Which Disney prince/princess would you want to be and why?
* Jasmine because she is known to be brave, intelligent, strong, and independent.
4. What was the last thing you took a picture of?
* When I took a photo of my son taking a bath. He didn't like taking a bath in the tub.
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
I love that picture! LOL He looks so confused!
Hi. The pic is very cool! You caught him with a nice face expression. He seems to like water, probably he feels more safe in a "small tub":) Good weekend.
Sweet photo. I just joined the Thursday Thunks.
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