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Swine Flu Seattle | Swine Flu Washington State |
Thursday, April 30, 2009 |
Washington health officials have reported six probable cases of swine flu in Washington state. Three of the cases are in King County which includes Seattle, two are in Snohomish County, just north of Seattle, and one is in Spokane County in northeast Washington.
The King County cases involve an 11-year-old Seattle boy, who officials say was hospitalized and is improving; a 27-year-old Seattle man; and a 33-year-old Seattle woman who is a physician, and whose husband and two children have also shown symptoms. They were not hospitalized and are improving.
The Snohomish County cases are a 6-year-old boy and a 34-year-old woman. Additional details on them were not immediately available.
Symptoms of the swine flu are typical of other flu strains including fever, coughing, joint aches, headache, and in some cases vomiting and diarrhea.
* SourceLabels: Health, News |
Posted by Nita | Permalink | | Feeling Lucky?  |
Oh my.. When will this virus stop.. We should all be careful.. So that we won't get affected by this virus, experts say that we should always keep our resistance strong by eating the right food and balanced diet.. also, we should always wash our hands before eating.. These are some ways to avoid getting infected.. Really hope that this virus would soon vanish.. It's really worrying..
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