Whenever I need to get some spa chemicals, I just have to drive down Aurora Ave. to eventually spy a spa supply store. Amazingly these stores survive these hard times. Anyway, whatever I need for my hot tub can be found in these survivor stores. I try to keep my hot tub filters changed once a year. At my gym, they say that they change the pool filter cartridge once a week. I guess they're not taking any chances with contamination. At the gym I used to belong to, they changed out the basketball floor like once a year. It's a little extreme to me, but it's good for the economy! My current gym just had to replace a floor, and it came out really nice. A really old gym building has a nice new floor. And I love that new floor smell. Someday I think they're going to expand the gym, and then everything will be nice and re-furbished. Hopefully they'll get a grant or something, and then they can buy just as many spa chemicals, hot tub filters, and pool filter cartridge- as will fit in the storage rooms. I like my current gym better- since it is kept in better condition than my last gym. Labels: Blogging, Business, Health |