Audio conference allows a number of people to communicate with each other over large distances. Most of the people also use the video conferencing option with it, which helps them to view each other while talking or doing things. A good use of Conference calls is that it provides an option to its users so that they can work on a similar document or application on there computers. Same content will be displayed on the screen of both the users so they can integrate there ideas in to it. By using digital pens and white boards in an Audio conferencing the users can even diagrams to depict there ideas in a better way, where both audio and video conference happens, i.e. ove the internet.
The applications of conference calls are present in every field of technology. Take NASA for example. NASA uses this technology to stay in contact with its thousands of scientists for very sensitive projects like Mars exploration mission.
The advantages of audio conference are many. The most important is that it helps to reduce transportation costs. In 2003 about 60 billion dollars were spent on the transpiration costs. So a lot of money and efforts could be saved by using audio conferencing.Labels: Blogging, Business, Electronics |