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First Thing
Friday, December 30, 2011

Guest post by Jewel Cole

When I got the first thing I wanted to do was plan my upcoming summer vacation. I know it’s a long time from now but I wanted to get a jump on it so I could make it the best trip of my life. Since I’m a teacher I have about 2 months per year that I get to do whatever want so this year I decided to do the only logical thing and travel all around Europe. To be honest I’d been waiting until I found a husband to do this with but I’m 31 now and I don’t want to wait forever to do something I’m really excited to do! I love being a free spirit but what good is it if I’m too scared to actually follow my dreams, you know? So I’m going to start in Rome and then head all over Italy – from there I’m going to fly to Paris and take trains to Belgium and eventually on into London. I’ve never been anywhere so I’ve got a lot of ground to cover!

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