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Paying Taxes To Save Money |
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 |
Procrastination is a widespread disease, which has many negative impacts in our lives. Post-poning paying your taxes will for instance cost you more than you anticipated. Here is where Roni Lynn Deutch, the owner to the biggest law firms that deals with tax resolutions, comes in. Roni will help you unravel the myths and lies that surround the laws of taxation and guide you into better ways of saving your hard earned cash.
In Roni Lynn Deutch's self-help book 'The Tax Lady's Guide to Battling IRS and Saving Big Bucks on Your Taxes,' she gives the tools to use in order to avoid problems with the authority, protect you from being intoxicated, reduce your tax debt, take advantage of tax breaks, organize your tax portfolio and save money.
In order to be able to save money while paying taxes, one has to make a tax plan, prepare their taxes on time and pay up before the deadline, at the same time they should consider tax consequences that follow up-both negative and positive in areas such as retirement, starting a business, education and other forms of investments.
Roni Lynn Deutch goes ahead to urge the citizens to be aware of how their taxes are spent by the government, when planning and making the national budget as well as in nation wide financial decision making.Labels: Blogging, Money |
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